Level 4 Hair Designer
About Hailey: She loves crystals, energy work, and astrology (she’s a Sagittarius!) She’s the oldest of her two younger sisters Hanna and Hadley. She has a 6-year-old three-legged Shih Tzu named Wookie and 4-year-old tabby cat named Bean. She loves to go on walks and hang out with her friends on the weekends. Her best friend is her boyfriend, Delsin. They have been together for almost 7 years this upcoming October (2023!) She enjoys 70s music and fashion, going to concerts, and Cedar Point. Although hair is considered work, she is very passionate about her career and loves having a good relationship with her guests. She’s a big fan of Star Wars and Breaking Bad. Her favorite season is fall and she loves Halloween!
Her current goal this year is to work on her anxiety. In her words, “Mental health is super important and it can take a lot of effort and motivation to make it better…which is hard in itself! I have harder days than others, but I have to remind myself that it's normal and what matters is I got through the day. Your biggest enemy is yourself!”
What do you love most about your profession and what makes all of your guests' experiences unique and special? What I love most about my profession is making people feel good about themselves and creating a safe, relaxing space for them. It's an honor and privilege that people come in and get their hair done by me. It means so much that I'm trusted to do their hair. That's a big deal! With that being said, I also respect what you want to do with your time with me. Always know that you can be as chatty and silent as you want! Mental health is very important, and I've come to realize that for a lot of people, getting their hair done can be their only alone or relaxation time. Never feel pressure in any way or apologize for being too quiet or too talkative. I love to listen, and I also will allow space for you to sit there in silence. I care about you all so much!
What is your favorite services to perform? My favorite services to perform are trendy cuts such as the shag and mullet and color and lightening services! More specifically, I specialize in and enjoy custom blonde services, vivid/fashion colors, and redheads. I love, love, LOVE all kinds of reds, from-firetruck-in-your-face red to subtle strawberry blonde highlights. You want to be any type of red with a fun crazy shag cut? I’m your girl!